Thanks for everyone's support while I have been...
For those of you who follow my Instagram page you may know that I was recently diagnosed with Lupus and RA and some unknown other issues. I have been extremely...
Thanks for everyone's support while I have been...
For those of you who follow my Instagram page you may know that I was recently diagnosed with Lupus and RA and some unknown other issues. I have been extremely...
In the process of making all of the rewards! Al...
How I went from an independent adult to a grown up toddler and back, while running a business and renovating a tiny house on wheels.
In the process of making all of the rewards! Al...
How I went from an independent adult to a grown up toddler and back, while running a business and renovating a tiny house on wheels.
Sass Magazine Business Spotlight
We had a pretty rad article written about us!! Check it out!! Sass Magazine. ww.sassmagazine.com/business-spotlight-dapper-geek/
Sass Magazine Business Spotlight
We had a pretty rad article written about us!! Check it out!! Sass Magazine. ww.sassmagazine.com/business-spotlight-dapper-geek/
Top 100 finalist for the FedEx Small Business G...
Thanks to all of you and all of your support we have been selected to be one of the top 100 finalists out of 1000! Our next step is to...
Top 100 finalist for the FedEx Small Business G...
Thanks to all of you and all of your support we have been selected to be one of the top 100 finalists out of 1000! Our next step is to...